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Weite Accelerate the layout of the Middle East market
2019-02-22 15:24:47

After Dubai Maritime Exhibition, Weite accelerate the layout of the Middle East market,especially Saudi Arabia which known as the “oil kingdom”; in order to better exploring the local market and strengthen the customer relationships. Business development manager of Weite fly to Saudi Arabia to have direct communication and research of local customers.

A local maritime service company in Saudi Arabian has good links with local shipyards and ports. As the local eyes, it is expected to cooperate on the floating crane safety protection in the year of 2019. 


Visiting Saudi customers who visited WTAU booth


Photos with Saudi Aramco Safety Manager


Photos with the operation manager at the customer' s plant


Photos with the national manager of Crane group Saudi Branch




ключевое слово
Индикатор момента нагрузки (LMI), крановый компьютер, индикатор безопасной нагрузки, морская система CCTV - камер, ограничитель перегрузки, крановая система мониторинга, анемометр, весовой датчик, датчик длины / угла, ограничительный переключатель A2B, Weat Technology Ltd.
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