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Why crane owner prefer to A700 hydraulic pressure sensor type load moment indicator system?
2023-06-12 15:05:34

Why crane owner prefer to A700 hydraulic pressure sensor type load moment indicator system?

Tadano crane owners may prefer hydraulic pressure sensor type load moment indicator (LMI) systems because they are typically more accurate and reliable in measuring the load moment of a crane. Tadano cranes are known for their high quality and precision, and the hydraulic pressure sensor type LMI system aligns with this reputation by providing accurate load measurements and real-time monitoring of the crane's load.

In addition, hydraulic pressure sensor type LMI systems are generally easier to install and maintain compared to tension type LMI systems, which require additional hardware such as load cells and cables. This can save time and money for Tadano crane owners, as they can spend less time on maintenance and more time on crane operations.

Overall, the choice of LMI system depends on the specific requirements of the crane and the application. However, Tadano crane owners may prefer hydraulic pressure sensor type LMI systems due to their accuracy, reliability, and ease of installation and maintenance.

What's the advantages of hydraulic pressure sensor type lmi system?

The advantages of a hydraulic pressure sensor type load moment indicator system include:

Accurate load measurement: Hydraulic pressure sensors provide accurate load measurements, which helps ensure that the crane is operating within safe limits.

Real-time monitoring: The load moment indicator system can provide real-time monitoring of the crane's load, which helps prevent overloading and other safety issues.

Improved productivity: By providing accurate load measurements and real-time monitoring, the load moment indicator system can help improve productivity and reduce downtime.

Increased safety: The load moment indicator system helps ensure that the crane is operating within safe limits, which helps prevent accidents and injuries.

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ключевое слово
Индикатор момента нагрузки (LMI), крановый компьютер, индикатор безопасной нагрузки, морская система CCTV - камер, ограничитель перегрузки, крановая система мониторинга, анемометр, весовой датчик, датчик длины / угла, ограничительный переключатель A2B, Weat Technology Ltd.
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