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300t lattice boom american 9310 crane installed with WTL-A700 load capacity indicator lmi system to replace the broken lmi computer system
2023-04-12 17:02:56

300t lattice boom american 9310 crane installed with WTL-A700 load capacity indicator lmi system to replace the broken lmi computer system.

This lattice crawler crane LMI computer replacement system has been developed to meet global regulations and standards.

The lattice crane computer system takes this information to check overload conditions and to measure the operating radius and the crane capacity. 

The display is located inside the operator’s cab to provide an easy access to the information. 

This lattice crawler LMI replacement system has been developed with your crane in mind, please reach out to us for a complete quote for your system.

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ключевое слово
Индикатор момента нагрузки (LMI), крановый компьютер, индикатор безопасной нагрузки, морская система CCTV - камер, ограничитель перегрузки, крановая система мониторинга, анемометр, весовой датчик, датчик длины / угла, ограничительный переключатель A2B, Weat Technology Ltd.
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